
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Do You Want God?

If you were in charge of everything and if it was totally up to you, would you want God?  I know I do.  When I think of God, I think of the prospect of eternal life.  I suppose this is a bit selfish of me, but I rather like "being".  You know, as opposed to "not being".  So the idea of eternal life sounds pretty good.  I know life is hard.  You may be broke.  You may have mean neighbors or a crappy boss.  Maybe the IRS is after you or your health is bad.  There are countless numbers of problems and hardships.  Even so, isn't being alive something special?   It just seems that with enough time we could work things out.  I don't know how eternal life would be, but there is just so much to learn and experience with enough time.  For me it is somewhat hard to imagine "not being".   I suppose that it is just before we were born, we were just nothing.
If it were up to me, I also would want a final arbiter.  A God of infinite wisdom to fairly judge us.  In other words, someone to settle the accounts.  I believe that there is evil in this world.  To me it just doesn't seem fair if the child killer when he dies is in the same state of nothingness as the good guy.  It seems that there should be some form of reckoning.  Well as usual, I don't know.  What do you think?

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